Adiyogi 3D Laser Show in IshaYoga Coimbatore

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Dusty Rides

Loyalty Points : 65

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Post Date : 19 Jun 2021


Adiyogi 3D Laser Show in Isha Yoga


there are thousands of people visit Adiyogi everyday but very few people watch this awesome Laser show experience.

reason being this show happens only on week days, Amavasya and Pourinma and other Aspusious days.

Other reason being tourist visit in morning, visit Adiyogi then meditate in Dhyanalinga take holy dip in Suryakund and Chandrakund and leave by afternoon or evening, so most people miss this lively show.

This is really a mesmerising experience, for those who cannot visit this, here is the video link for you to enjoy the whole Show experience in 4K.

any questions write to [email protected]