Snowy mountain ranges of Rohtang Pass, Himachal

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Amruta Nair

Loyalty Points : 90

Total Trips: 2 | View All Trips

Post Date : 22 Apr 2021

That day when Rohtang pass witnessed it's first snowfall of the year in the month of October, was the day when I got to experience snowfall for the first time in my life😊.

This beautifully picturesque Rohtang La or Rohtang pass as you call it is located at a distance of around 50 kilometers from Manali and is about 13000 ft above the sea level. First and foremost, you will need a permit to visit Rohtang pass. You can get it either from SDA admin office directly or you can apply online through Manali administration website. It seems they allot limited number of passes on daily basis. Hence you need to plan accordingly. If you have a local cab hired then it would probably be easy to plan and complete the process since they might help you take care of the permit process as they would be quite familiar with it. After clearing up the permit and other formalities at the check-point, as you start heading towards the mountain top gradually you will start feeling those cold vibes. As you take the round and round road through the mountain you might feel a little dizzy since you would be travelling to a higher altitude. However, the sight of snowflakes covering the mountains ranges throughout should help you skip your dizziness. The cab takes you upto a certain level. Then it is you and the snow talking to each other! 

The view was simply amazing. It was completely a different world out there, especially with snowfall happening at that point of time. And yes, it definitely pains when snow hits hard😁 especially when the temperature is in minus°celsius. I tried taking off my gloves for a minute, but my palms went numb. The only warm thing you will find on that freezing top is few stalls of "Butta"🌽 and tea along the road side. You will also find photographers on that snowy top and they click quite good photos which they will hand it over to you at your hotel, both soft copy and hardcopy. They way those photographers plan, coordinate and get the final photos all the way down the mountain to you at your convenience is quite amazing.

We were very fortunate to be there at the right time since Rohtang pass was closed the very next day due heavy snowfall. It remains closed when there are heavy snowfall. So it is advised to check well in advance before heading towards Rohtang.

It is such a bliss to get out of your regular chaos and travel to some peaceful places. There is so much beauty that nature has to offer!🌄