Inspiring Compassionate Divinity path.

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Post Date : 28 Apr 2022

Hyderabad ,which is known as a Pearl City ,an abode of many Heritage Monuments ,Parks, Trendsetting places has now an addition in form Of Statue Of Equality.

The Golden Statue of Ramanujacharya, Hindu Saint and a SocialReformer is now an add-on to Visit.This Sitting pose of the statue which is 216 Feet tall is next Tallest after GreatBuddha Statue of Thailand.

Ramanuja who was of 11th century promoted the idea of equality in all aspects of living, be it caste, faith or gender.This masterpiece of sculpture is built in 45 acre of land, on third storeyed building is meant to promote same  teachings and is built on his 1000th birth Anniversary. 

It's easy approachable from centre of City,and worth of your trip.

The Revivor of Bhakthi Movement,inspirer of many poets like Kabir, Meera and Tulsidas.Saint Ramanuja was an advocate of social equality among all sections of people. He fought for equality across religions, castes, social status and gender. As per Chinna Jeeyar Swami, under whose leadership this entire project was done,  embraces on the social philosophy of the whole of humanity.

An temple in the same campus of JIVA, has to be visited too which provides an image of vision Swamiji has in  building of Guru-Shishya Prakriya,Sanathana Hindu Dharma.