Divine Diu

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Post Date : 12 May 2021

Diu is something else.Unlike crowded cities and beaches I found it a serene and calm place with nice people,delicious food and lots of early morning pre-wedding photo shoots here and there 😀. 

I used to sit on sea shores for hours and witnessed many sunrises and sunsets and developed a beautiful habit of sitting silent for hours which later helped me in meditation. Now meditation is a ritual and a way of life for me which helps at staying calm and hopes high during lows.

......touching aromatic soil with my hands,hug of an isolated tree,warm water under my feet,cold breeze over my face.....reminded me that I m made of these elements only and nothing materialistic can't fulfill soul's desires.Maybe purpose of my higher self now,is to touch all unexplored corners of mother earth and take her blessings ❤