Chitkul, The Last Village of India

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Aayushi Sahay

Loyalty Points : 130

Total Trips: 4 | View All Trips

Post Date : 20 Feb 2022

This chilling experience came with a -14°C of temperature and a thrilling drive of 243 kms. Chitkul is the last village of India and feels like complete other world. The Himalayan tribes living their different pace, tourist with all the enthusiasm and the weather ofcourse is on another level. While talking to one of the residents over there, it felt like its no problem for them. We as city people can't imagine to live there our whole lives. No water in the tab, limited food options, transportation. Life is uptight up on the mountains. 
But when I look into these vivid visuals, it's all worth it. There is a belief in these places, the belief of nature and peace.
I sat and saw the snow covered mountains till the sun went away.
At night with bonfire and the melting snow sound was something for which I won't hesitate to take this trip again.
Waking up to mountains and watching the sunrise, reminded me of the drawing I used to make as a kid, only better. This time made me feel connected to the nature, as I was a child and nature was the mother.